Begins January 2024

Are you exhausted from endlessly seeking answers to your chronic pain? Has pain become a dominating force, dictating your life, and clouding your sense of well-being? 

We understand the relentless pursuit of solutions, as well as the fear and worry that accompanies chronic pain. But it's time for a change.

In this 6-week programme, you are invited to be part of an intimate group of women who are ready to take a very different approach in their relationship with their pain.

This course draws from the cutting-edge field of pain science, women's health, neuroscience, psychology and mindfulness. We take a holistic, mind-body, and relational approach that will equip you with the tools you need to transform your experience of pain for the better.

The antidote to pain isn't accumulating more remedies; it's transforming your relationship with it. In this nurturing group, we'll guide you on a journey of learning and discovery together, in a nourishing and supportive space.

Your struggle

If you resonate with any of these, we see you:

✅ You've tried many doctors, practitioners, and alternative therapies

✅ You've spent money on all sorts of solutions, concoctions, lotions, potions

✅  You live in fear and worry about pain

✅  Your thoughts revolve around pain

✅ You've been preoccupied looking for the mysterious "root cause"

✅ You notice yourself stuck in a cycle of pain - education - hope - disappointment - read more books/educate more

✅  You have to "manage" your pain

✅  You worry that you are doing things that cause your pain

✅  You have lost belief that you can be pain-free

✅  Your pain moves around 

✅  You know your pain is stress sensitive

✅  You feel alone and unsupported on the journey

✅  You feel you have to put on a brave face

✅  You regularly cancel plans

✅  You've tried "listening to your body" but it leaves you missing out on life

✅  Positivity and gratitude lists haven't worked

✅ You are highly sensitive, creative, intuitive

✅  You feel stuck

✅  You feel fed up and angry

Your teacher

Lisa de Jong

Hi there! I'm Lisa, your teacher and group facilitator on this course. I totally get where you are at and what you are going through because I have been there too. I have had a very long journey with period pain, endometriosis, unexplained hip and back pain, as well as a lot of emotional and mental suffering around that. I now work as a women's health coaching specialising in the menstrual cycle, chronic pain, and trauma. I have helped many women all around the world transform their relationship with pain and I'm excited to share these tools and skills with you! My practice is holistic and mind-body based. It is rooted in the lenses of pain science, relationship with self, mindfulness, psychology, menstrual cycle awareness, and the nervous system. You can read more about my background, qualifications, and approach on my website below:
Lisa de Jong Period Coach

After this course

The benefits and takeaways for you:

💜 Freedom from fear and worry about pain

💜 Know how to reduce the pain signals in your brain and body 

💜 Feel more at ease

💜 Trust yourself if pain returns

💜 No more obsessing about your pain, about your menstrual cycle or tracking

💜 A clear path and plan for tending to pain 

💜 Find it easier to relax

💜 Feel safer in yourself and the world around you

💜 Know yourself again outside of your pain story

💜 Clarity on what actually triggers pain and what doesn't

💜 No more restrictive diets or protocols

💜 No more self-blame

💜 Finally getting on with your life

💜 Focus on things that bring you joy 

💜 Self compassion

💜 An evidence-based mindbody toolbox just for you

Our Holistic Approach

A mind-body method for women

  • Pain science

    Drawing from the emerging field of pain science and neuroscience, you will learn how the brain creates pain signals, the role of pain, and what steps you can take to reduce the pain messages your brain is making. Here we learn the practical tools to 'unlearn' pain.

  • Women's health

    In this course we work at the intersection of pain science and the nervous system, and what that means for women. We work at the intersection of hormones and the nervous system. We understand the role our hormones play in our pain, our health, and wellbeing.

  • Psychology

    Our wellbeing is rooted in our relationship with ourselves and with the world around us. Drawing on important teachings in psychology, we apply these to pain, our emotional selves, and what it means to be a woman in the world. We employ the practices of mindfulness and self-compassion.

This course is for

All women, and people who have been socialised as women or girls who experience:

  • Period pain or menstrual suffering

  • Endometriosis pain

  • PMDD

  • PMS

  • Other menstrual cycle challenges

  • Chronic pain, headaches, inflammation

  • Anxiety or depression

  • IBS, stomach pain, digestive issues

  • Skin problems

  • Pelvic, hip, or back pain

No more:

🚫  Strict protocols or routines

🚫  Restrictive diets

🚫 Lotions, potions, concoctions

🚫 Magic spells or gimmicks

🚫 Worrying you are doing it wrong or triggering pain

Client testimonial

Claire, UK

"So many women are craving a space to let go, to be heard and to be held. Even for just an hour! But who do we turn to for this kind of intimate support? Lisa is a skilled practitioner that I trust entirely. I left our session feeling peaceful and reassured. There is much wisdom stored in the body and Lisa is a gifted guide, there to support you as you navigate your journey within."


Topic covered include and more:

  • The pain brain: pain science and rewiring the brain

  • The nervous system and regulation for pain

  • The role of pain in relationships

  • Pain as a messenger

  • Beliefs, thoughts, stories, memory, our pain personality

  • Working with the unconscious

  • The role of emotions

  • Hormones and women's health

  • Cultivating safety, joy, & receiving support

  • Mindfulness & self compassion

What to expect


In this programme there will be a focus on something called "knowledge medicine." This is where we learn information that we might not have known before as a way to understand our pain, our body, and ourselves better. Most of this knowledge medicine will be rooted in neuroscience and pain science, as well as women's health and psychology. This information will be delivered live in a lecture format during the calls.

Process work and coaching: 

There is a big difference between knowing information and embodying it, or integrating it into our lives. Therefore, in this course you can also expect to engage in"process work" and receive coaching from Lisa. This means that we are reflecting on our stories, our emotions, our patterns, and getting skilled support etc. This process work will take place in the live calls as well as some simple homework in the form of reflection exercises, journaling, and somatic practices.


As we will be reflecting on emotions and our pain stories, this course may be cathartic at times. You are invited to take the work at your own pace. It is therefore required that you feel adequately supported in your life outside of this course so that you feel emotionally safe in your vulnerability. Examples of supports are friends or family you can speak to, medical or mental health professionals you can turn to, and self-care.

Role of this course:

For clarity, it is important to remember that this course and Lisa's work is not a replacement for any medical care or psychological intervention. The purpose of this course is to educate you on aspects of pain that you may not have learned about before, and to support you in your relationship with yourself and pain on your self-care journey.

Medical reminder:

Many people who are drawn to this work suffer with unexplained pain. We see you and you are welcome here. We would like to advise everyone to always ensure that any serious medical diagnosis has been ruled out. If you do have a medical diagnosis of some sort e.g. endometriosis, an old injury, or an autoimmune condition, you are still welcome here to explore how mindbody practices can support you on your journey further.

Practical details

⭐️ Course structure: This course is delivered live on Zoom calls once a week for 6 weeks

⭐️ Dates, days, time: x6 consecutive Mondays from 15th January - 19th February 2024 at 5-7pm GMT (Dublin/London time)

⭐️ Call length: 2 hrs with a short break

⭐️ Calls will be recorded

⭐️ Attendance strongly encouraged for full benefit

⭐️ Group size limited to 14 participants

⭐️ Come as you are. Pyjamas, tea, food, blankets, home comforts all welcome

⭐️ Bring a journal for notes

⭐️ We just request that you can have privacy with limited distractions to be present to yourself and the other members in the group during the calls

Your investment in you:

💎 Tier 1:  €500 ~ debut launch price this year 

💎 Tier 2: €650 ~ includes a 30-minute coaching session with Lisa at the start of the course to get you clear, AND a 1-hour coaching session with Lisa during or after the course for personalised support and deeper integration. Limited space for this tier.

💎 Payment Plans: Pay in full or in x2 installments below 

💎 All pricing includes VAT at 13.5%

Please contact Lisa at [email protected] with any questions. 

Select your payment option here:

Testimonials of Lisa's work

"I cannot thank you enough for such an amazing course. I am on day 2 and with a lot less pain than other cycles. I even saw an improvement in pain last cycle. I’ve really struggled with diet and exercise for a long time. Really seeing the benefit of knowing all of this extra knowledge and implementing ways to better look after myself, as well as how to deal with those difficult cycle days/ moments, so thank you."

~ Kim, Luxembourg

"When I first approached Lisa, I was feeling very disconnected from my body and my menstrual cycle. I have endometriosis, so I felt my connections to my body had become very clinical. Lisa supported me through some medically difficult months and helped me to reconnect to myself.

She enabled me to explore relationships, both with myself and others, and understand the impact they can have. She helped me to understand my nervous system, and gave me tools which I will keep in my back pocket: helpful herbs, movements, reframing, having curiosity, recommendations for other therapies I might want to try."

~ Jessica, UK

"Lisa was incredible! I came to this work, not knowing exactly what to expect, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed. I learnt so much about myself and women in general, that I had never really though about before. Would recommend this to everyone!"

~ Josephine, Belgium

"Lisa is a fantastic facilitator who is so passionate and knowledgeable about all that she shares. The course I attended was informative, compassionate, open and inviting. I received great insight and clarity to my own menstrual awareness and journey that has shifted something significantly for me in my connection to my cycle. I have taken many golden nuggets and important guidance to share with others in my own line of work. I would highly recommend working with Lisa if you can."

~ Melanie, Ireland

"Lisa has a really lovely, calming presence and an ability to quietly hold space for honesty, unravelling and healing that is unusual in the wellness space, but so necessary."

~ Niamh, Ireland

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