An 8-week self-paced online course to create self-care around the menstrual cycle, to ease any physical suffering, and cultivate emotional wellbeing in our everyday lives.

Have you struggled in some way with your menstrual cycle and are now looking for answers? For so long, women and people with cycles have put up with intense pain or emotional suffering around their cycle every month. I am here to tell you this is not normal and that there is another way! Join us for this online course where I will guide you to understand the ebb and flow of the menstrual cycle as we create our very own personalised self-care plan so that your cycle no longer holds you back in life. Rather, you can be fully yourself in the world, feel good in your body, with clear and easy self-care to support your own cycle.

You may have regular PMS and period pain, or been diagnosed with a condition such as PCOS, endometriosis or PMDD. You may have tried all sorts of options from painkillers, the pill, natural supplements and even read books about hormone health but still feel a bit stuck.

In this course, we will look at the menstrual cycle as a whole, as opposed to just what is happening during menstruation or where the problem area lies. When we look holistically at the cycle and each phase,  we can then identify more clearly what to do and where we need support. We can prepare for our needs in advance and then get to know how to best take care of ourselves during each phase of the menstrual cycle. 

“I want you to know that it is pleasure, not pain, that is your birthright.”

Christiane Northrup

Rooted in three areas:

  • The Nervous System

    A polyvagal and trauma-informed approach. Understand the nature of your nervous system, the role it plays in your health, what works for you, what doesn't, and how to support your system in simple, practical ways.

  • The Endocrine System

    A big picture understanding of your hormones. Learn the role of the different hormones in the menstrual cycle, what to look out for when things are out of balance and how to eat in a way that supports happy hormones.

  • Psychology

    A relational approach to wellbeing. Taking lessons from pain psychology, we will look at how to support our relationship with the cycle, PMS and pain as a way to reduce tension in the body and promote ways to nourish the whole being.

Course Facilitator

Founder Lisa de Jong

Lisa is a coach, therapeutic practitioner, and training provider specialising in the menstrual cycle, chronic pain, trauma, and nervous system regulation. She helps women and people with cycles to manage energy levels, emotional wellbeing and relationships around the cycle, as well as supporting those with chronic pain, endometriosis, PMDD and mental health challenges. Lisa has worked with hundreds of clients in this capacity, guiding them along their path of healing and self-discovery. She works from a Polyvagal and trauma-informed approach. She is a Red School mentor having trained under Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer in 2017. She is trained in Somatic Experiencing – the work of Peter Levine, and in Family Constellations for all types of trauma. Lisa has a background in language and communications before launching this career which is rooted in her own lived experience of pain. She receives regular professional supervision to support this work and hold it in integrity. She is committed towards building a practice from inclusive feminist and anti-oppressive values. Read more about Lisa at

I firmly believe that it is not a woman’s lot to suffer. It is her right to feel good in her body and therefore safe to be fully herself in the world. The menstrual cycle no longer needs to be a burden or a non-event. Rather, it can be something that supports our lives, an inner compass to optimal health and to our true vibrant selves.

In this course, I will guide you to understand the cyclical nature of your body through a practice called Menstrual Cycle Awareness. We will look at tools and practices to support the body through each phase of the menstrual cycle including diet, sleep, exercise, mindfulness practices and creativity that support the body, mind and spirit. 

By the end of the course, you will have a clear path to understanding the needs of your body around your cycle. You will have clarity on personalised self-care that feels easy to integrate into your life and a deeper relationship with your menstrual cycle.

I feel this has been an amazing journey for me to go on. I have a far better understanding about what to expect from my cycle and how to make the most out of each stage. Each week has been very cathartic.” 

~ Jenni, UK

What we will cover in this course:     


Week 1: Paving the way for cycle self-care 

  • A welcome to the course 
  • Understand the nature of your nervous system with a lesson from neuroscience
  • Address bespoke needs for challenges or conditions unique to you e.g. period pain, endometriosis, PMDD, etc.
  • Begin a cycle charting practice that works best for you


Week 2: Health for happy hormones

  • The endocrine system: learn the science of the menstrual cycle for self-empowerment
  • Get clear on what’s happening inside your body and how to support it
  • Understand the different phases, the ‘inner seasons’ of the menstrual cycle
  • Build a Menstrual Cycle Awareness practice


Week 3: Diet and movement

  • Discover diet hacks to balance hormones day-to-day
  • Implement anti-inflammatory eating to reduce pain and PMS
  • Learn movement and somatic practices to prevent and ease pain

Week 4: Self-Care implementation

  • Time and space to integrate and process lessons through a gentle pause
  • Get clarity on your own self-care plan, what works, what doesn’t through a relational approach 
  • Relaxation, meditation and gentle rituals to support the body for recovery

Week 5: Psychology and the cycle

  • Understand your psychology around the cycle and how to support it as a way to feeling good in the body
  • Learn how the cycle can support us psychosomatically through life challenges such as transition, loss, decisions, disappointments
  • Communication skills and support for interpersonal relationships through cycle awareness
  • Teachings from pain psychology to promote healing and reduce fear or anxiety around pain

Week 6: The inner critic

  • Learn gentle approaches to quieten our inner critic so we can rest and be creative
  • Understand the role and place of the critic
  • Develop awareness of the critic around the cycle and how to support ourselves with it so we can reduce fear, guilt, inner blame or comparisons to others

Week 7: Creative & spiritual self-care

  • Learn how the cycle can support creativity and motivation through energy management
  • Get more connected to creative inspiration for flow of ideas
  • Develop practices to support ‘flow’ states around the cycle for creative projects


Week 8: Integration of self-care

  • Finalise your personalised self-care plan
  • Get clarity on needs, desires and boundaries
  • Finishing up and integration

What’s included:

  • Weekly lessons delivered over video
  • Meditations, exercises and energy medicine practices for relaxation
  • Cycle charting templates
  • Practical tips and tricks to support pain and PMS
  • BONUS: interviews with experts in the fields of pain psychology, sleep science, nutrition, and perimenopause preparation & support 
  • Discount codes for clean beauty cosmetic brands

Areas this course can help you with:

  • Clarity on self-care around your cycle to support you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually 
  • An opportunity to alleviate period pain, PMS, irritability, anxiety, improve moods, feel safe, good and free in your body.
  • Make self-care practical, efficient and easy – coming from your body’s needs
  • Improve energy levels and confidence
  • More efficient use of energy for better productivity 
  • Develop excellent skills in regulating your nervous system
  • Improved sleep 
  • Greater mental and emotional resilience
  • Feel more grounded, calm and engaged in social situations
  • A greater sense of ease and freedom from within, with less overwhelm 
  • An opportunity to bring healing to trauma
  • A fresh spark to your creative life with space for ideas to emerge
  • Improved relationships with loved ones so you don’t feel drained
  • Self-care support for conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD, fibroids, a fertility journey etc.
  • A more natural ability to be kinder and gentler to yourself
  • A stronger connection to your intuition for guidance, direction and trust in life 
  •  Overall, a no fuss, no nonsense and non-negotiable approach to self-care that works in the context and reality of your life
  • An opportunity to deepen existing self-care practices through the wisdom of your body and cycle

Who is this course for?

  1. For anyone struggling with their cycle in some way physically, mentally, emotionally or even spiritually
  2. For those who have been diagnosed with something like PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD, fibroids or are on a fertility journey and looking for support
  3. For anyone who would like to bring Menstrual Cycle Awareness into their already existing self-care practice
  4. For anyone who has read lots of self-care / spiritual / creativity books and intellectualised it ALL but still struggle to practice and implement changes
  5. For highly sensitive, intuitive and creative people overwhelmed in the world and wanting to harness their sensitive superpowers
  6. For all women and people with or without a menstrual cycle who feel they will benefit from this course

Please Note:

This course was formally a live online group course. It is now a self-study video course sold at a reduced rate and to enjoy on your own schedule. There may be mention of the group and the online support channel in the videos, which are no longer relevant. Grab your cup of tea, journal and pen, and enjoy!


Absolutely loved this course

by Emer, Cork

I absolutely loved this course and got so much from it. I originally did it to learn about menstrual cycle awareness due to an endometriosis diagnosis late last year. I have already seen an improvement with my periods with the help of Lisa through cycle tracking and changes to my diet. However on top of that, I learned so much about myself and how I relate to the world. I feel more positive about my life moving forward. I really enjoyed learning about other women's experiences on the course which further enriched my own. I now have the confidence to practice menstrual cycle awareness myself moving forward which makes the experience of being a woman way more rewarding.

Such an amazing course

by Kim, Luxembourg

I cannot thank you enough for such an amazing course. I am on day 2 and with a lot less pain than other cycles. I even saw an improvement in pain last cycle. I've really struggled with diet and exercise for a long time, but last week I really made an effort in the build up to menstruation and it has made a difference. Really seeing the benefit of knowing all of this extra knowledge and implementing ways to better look after myself, as well as how to deal with those difficult cycle days/ moments, so thank you.

Reassuring and Supportive

by Rachel, Australia

Lisa's presence throughout the 8 weeks of the course was so reassuring and supportive and helpful. I felt completely heard and welcomed however I was, and learnt so much from Lisa's in-depth understanding and personal experience in working with the wisdom of the menstrual cycle. She skilfully met each of us where we were at, and always supported us to connect with our own wisdom.

The course was fantastic

Kim, Ireland

The course was fantastic. I really looked forward to every Tuesday evening for the live call. It was great to chat /trash out ideas with like-minded people. By completing this course it reminded me of the importance of self-care/allowing myself time to explore /learn more about myself and my journey as a woman. I now allow myself to go slower and be kinder during the tender/vulnerable times of my cycle. Thank you, Lisa.

A Safe Space

by Tara, Dublin

Lisa made every member of the group feel simultaneously welcome and at ease. I found her to be so sensitive to each of our personal experience, and she created a safe space where we could share and ask questions. Not only is she a subject matter expert, but her passion is infectious. Lisa provided practical examples and methodologies for us all to take home and use immediately.

A blessing in my life

By Jessica, USA

Lisa has been a blessing in my life. She is one of the kindest, most knowledgeable women I have met who was the perfect fit for what I needed when I met her. As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Gentle yet powerful

Clare, Kerry

Lisa holds a beautiful safe space and her energy is absolutely gorgeous, it’s so gentle yet powerful and the group of ladies that attended were fabulous.

Feeling inspired and empowered

by Lisa, Ireland

I had the pleasure of attending an online program with Lisa recently, I found Lisa's approach to be very engaging and extremely professional, the program was very well structured yet it didn't feel anything but naturally flowing and relaxed. It is clear Lisa has a great passion for her work and you can't help but be inspired by her knowledge and her skills to share and inform. I feel really empowered to share on the learnings and I will definitely be booking in for more of these insightful programs.

Space for unravelling and healing

by Niamh, Dublin

Lisa has a really lovely, calming presence and an ability to quietly hold space for honesty, unravelling and healing that is unusual in the wellness space, but so necessary.

Insight and clarity

by Melanie, Ireland

Lisa is a fantastic facilitator who is so passionate and knowledgeable about all that she shares. The workshop I attended was informative, compassionate, open and inviting. I received great insight and clarity to my own menstrual awareness and journey that has shifted something significantly for me in my connection to my cycle. I have taken many golden nuggets and important guidance to share with others in my own line of work. I would highly recommend working with Lisa if you can.



Bonus interview with Sleep Coach, Tom Coleman. Tom is a leading consultant in health and wellness, specialising in fatigue and sleep science. In this bonus interview, we will learn how to optimise our sleep as a way to set us up for success with our hormonal health and daily wellbeing. Find him at

Featured interview with Orla Mc Laughlin. Orla is a registered nutrition therapist with an MSc in personalised nutrition from a functional medicine perspective. She works with clients in the areas of hormonal, digestive, mental and skin health, to get to the root of why symptoms are present and what nutrients or environmental changes the body requires to support balance and wellbeing. Find her at

Featured interview on pain psychology with Chartered Physiotherapist, Brian O'Rourke who specialises in systemic approaches in his practice of supporting clients with pain management through movement. Find him at

Bonus interview with Kate Codrington on all things perimenopause and menopause. Kate is a facilitator, writer and menopause mentor and has been a therapist for more than a quarter of a century. She’s been featured in Time Out, The Evening Standard, the London Metro and writes on menopause and women’s health for well-known well-being publications and blogs. She’s in second spring, which means post-menopause, and has deep gratitude for the education that the menopause process has gifted her. Her mission is to change the way we regard menopause and show how we can relax into our own, inner authority through our cyclical nature and menopause process. Her first book, Second Spring, was published by HarperCollins in February 2022. Find her at


I have an irregular cycle. Can I still benefit from this course?

Yes, absolutely! Getting curious about the rhythms of YOUR cycle will be an opportunity to work with the cycle you experience in terms of self-care whether it is irregular or not. As an anchor for the course, anyone who has an irregular cycle or does not menstruate can work with the lunar (moon) cycle. Then from there, we will work with the body. The practices in this course will contribute positively to menstrual health which can support anyone experiencing irregularities. 

Can I still benefit from this course if I am in or approaching menopause?

Yes! Perimenopause and menopause are huge physiological transitions for the body that require self-care and kind attention. We can work therapeutically in retrospect of the cycle you experienced before as a way to bring inner healing, self-compassion and self-care practices that support the place you are in now.  For any menopausal people, we will also use the lunar cycle as the anchor for this course and then work with the body.  

I don’t have a cycle. Will this course help me?

Yes. There are many reasons a woman might not be cycling including: pregnancy, menopause, no physical womb in the body, a condition such as PCOS or amenorrhea, trauma, an eating disorder, surgery, people who identify as female but don’t menstruate etc. This course is about working with the body, mind and spirit as a whole. I will make sure you are catered for and that the content is both practical and relevant for you. We will work with the lunar cycle and seasonal cycles in these instances.

Can I take part if I am on hormonal contraception?

If you are on hormonal contraception, you can absolutely still take part and benefit from this course. You will not experience the same ebb and flow as a cycle without hormonal contraception because most forms of hormonal contraception prevent ovulation, however, we can still work with that! We will work with the cycle you have and create self-care to support you. You may still experience cyclicality in some form. 

How much time do I need to commit to this course?

You’ll need approx 1 hour per week on average (spread out) for the calls, exercises, charting and engagement in order to get the most of the course. You can of course continue to engage with the content once the course is complete at a pace that works for you. 

How long will I have access to the content of the course?

All the content will be available via the Thinkific platform. 

Who is this course for?

This course is an open invitation for women and people with cycles, those raised as women or those who identify as such to explore cyclical self-care for the mind body and spirit in relation to the menstrual cycle or moon cycle. For women and people with cycles who are ready and willing to step up to the responsibility of their own well-being and for those who struggle with self-care in some way. This course is also ideal for healers and therapeutic practitioners looking to deepen their own practice.

Please note, that by enrolling in this course you will be added to my mailing list. There you will find more content to support you on this journey! You can also unsubscribe any time. 

Disclaimer: this course is for the intention of educational and self-care purposes only. It is not intended to replace any kind of therapy or medical intervention.